The perfect gift for every book lover: 50 beautifully designed books May 24 2021
So how did we go about curating this collection of impactful typographic and lettering book cover designs?
Well, by following a simple but tedious two- step process.
First we studied several respected '100 books to read' type compilations. Specifically - the original 2003 BBC Big Read, The Guardian's 100 greatest novels all time, Time Magazine's All Time 100, Amazon’s 100 Books to Read in a Lifetime, Project Gutenberg's Top 100, and finally Harvard's Top 100 must reads.
Then we sieved through cover after cover from the above master list,
with a trained hawk eye to pick out only the most striking book jacket designs. Many of them designed under the direction of Penguin Book's long standing art & creative director - Paul Buckley.
Thus ensuring each of the book cover editions you see below - will be both - equally sought after to read, as they are to collect, by any self-respecting bibliophile.
Alternatively you could gift wrap the bookworm in question something from our literary posters ( like the Lolita poster below), or from our website specialising in inspirational typographic art.
Happy browsing!

Image: Crime and Punishment - hand lettering and illustration book cover

Image: 1984 -Minimalist 'Censored' typographic book cover

Image: Charlie and the chocolate factory- custom lettering and illustration book cover

Image: Atlas Shrugged- rare, typographic leather bound book cover

Image: Dracula- hand lettering book cover

Image: The Scarlett letter- hand lettering and typography book cover

Image: Les Miserables- hand lettering and illustration book cover

mage: James and the giant peach- hand lettering and illustration book design

mage: Alice in Wonderland- hand lettering and illustrations by Floor Rieder book design

Image: A heartbreaking work of staggering genius- typographic book cover

Image: The stranger- minimalist typographic book cover

Image: The Canterbury Tales- rare, typographic leather bound book cover, illustrated by Eric Gill.

mage: Peter Pan- chalk hand lettering and illustration book design

Image: Lolita- typographic book cover

Image: Lord of the flies- hand lettering and illustration book cover

Image: King, Queen, Knave- typography and illustration book cover

Image: The Bronte sisters trilogy- typography and illustration book cover

Image: The catcher in the rye- custom lettering book cover

Image: The handmaid's tale - typography and illustration book cover

Image: The three musketeers- hand lettering and illustration book cover

Image: White noise- hand lettering and illustration book cover

Image: The Great Gatsby- custom lettering art deco book cover

Image: Tender is the night- custom lettering art deco book cover

Image: A portrait of the artist as a young man- hand lettering book cover from the 'Drop Cap Series'.

Image: Madame Bovary - hand lettering book cover from the 'Drop Cap Series'.

Image: Jane Eyre- hand lettering book cover from the 'Drop Cap Series'.

Image: Middle March- hand lettering book cover from the 'Drop Cap Series'.

Image: Pride and Prejuidice- hand lettering book cover from the 'Drop Cap Series'.

Image: Siddhartha- hand lettering book cover from the 'Drop Cap Series'.

Image: Macbeth- typography and illustration book cover design

Image: Othello- typography and illustration book cover design

Image: Hamlet- typography and illustration book cover design

Image: King Lear- typography and illustration book cover design

Image: Frankenstein- hand lettering and illustration book design

mage: Emma- embroidery and illustration book design

Image: Fear of flying- hand lettering and illustration book design

Image: Heart of Darkness- hand lettering and illustration book design

Image: Little Women- hand lettering and illustration book cover

Image: Lady Chatterley's lover- hand lettering and illustration book design

Image: Philosophy in the boudoir- hand lettering and illustration book design

Image: One flew over the cuckoo's nest- hand lettering and illustration book design

Image: Moby Dick- typography and illustration book design

Image: The adventure's of Huckleberry Finn-
typography and illustration book design

Image: The broom of the system- hand lettering and illustration book design

Image: Canterbury Tales- hand lettering and illustration book design

Image: The New York Trilogy- custom lettering and illustration book design

Image: Waiting for the barbarians- custom and illustration book design

mage: Gravity's Rainbow- typography and illustration book design

mage: Metamorphosis and other stories- lettering and illustration book design

mage: The Wizard of Oz- embroidery and illustration book design

mage: Black Beauty-
embroidery and illustration book design

mage: Candide- hand lettering and illustration book design

Image: Money. A novel - hand lettering and illustration book design

Alternatively you could gift something from our literary posters collection, like the Mrs Dalloway one featured above, or from our website specialising in inspirational typographic art.